See my wargaming website at Jimdo.
Here a photo of my DBM army.
Often I am using a nearly perfect simulation on the PC from Battlefront - Combat Mission, which comes in noumerous versions. Any situation imaginable can be simulated using this software.
But my love for tabletop games reawoke with Full Thrust und Black Seas by warlordgames
Since 2009 I am riding a bike again, a Kawasaki ER6F with 72 hp. As much fun as it always was.
The Kawa was a little too small for two persons, so I decided to buy a Suzuki 650 V-Stream in 2014. More comfortable and still much fun.
Since some time I own two vehicles from A simulation on the mobile telephone controls the car with simulated 550 HP! Real fun, but not so simple.
Even a tank can drift, like the M113 I had during my time at the Bundeswehr. Model made of cardboard.