Additionally, I have a very interesting family, it can be traced back until 1576, a seldom luck, in my opinion. This data survived the times surely because there was one famous man at that time, Theodorus Berkelmann (1576 - 1645), abbot of the cloister Amelungsborn, professor at Helmstedt, etc. He designed the coat of arms visible at the top of this page, before his time it was slightly different. As you can imagine, that is a huge family tree.
Until some time ago I was with a group reenacting a medieval hunting party. The name is Acta Non est Fabula. We erected our camp at several markets in Germany during summer, there we lived like people did at that time, we practised shootong with bows, learned how to fight with a sword and had a lot of fun. I was active as a travelling mechanicus and private teacher, specialist for siege engines.